Sunday, May 24, 2015

Geraldo Lopez Rosa: I love Physics

Physics, this is by far the most interesting science of all, in my opinion. There’s just so much to talk about when I think of physics. Since I was in high school, I’ve always viewed physics as something very interesting. I’m not a person that reads magazines or journals online of physics. Physics isn’t my greatest skill, but it’s fun. I do read physics textbooks to learn more and also to study for my classes. There is physics everywhere.  

There truly is physics everywhere, for example in my Java Programming class we have a project on making a game. Guess what the project requires? PHYSICS! I have to make a ball move and collide with objects. To make the collision perfects, to get the correct angles and the force each object exerts.  I had to look over newton’s laws of motion.  

I love reading about gravity also. Gravity is very particular. One of the most fascinating things for me is how gratuity keeps the earth and all the other planets in orbit around the sun and the moon around the earth.  Newton had to be very smart to think of this. It’s very curious how the first person came up with this. The people that made all of these theories and principles had to be geniuses.  If people knew how much they would weigh in Mars they would be buying a space ticked right about now.  I would weight like 50 pounds in mars, thanks to gravity. 

I love reading about work. Work isn’t so fun, but with physics it is. So if you try to push a wall, you may be sweating but physics wise you haven’t done any work. I love how you think energy is destroyed but really you are just transferring energy.  Suppose you are moving a table, and you want to get the work done.   There are looks of things to look at, like normal force, gravitaonal force, tension, and kinetic friction. Here we see how a lot of things are related. 

One of the things that I have been learning is about quantum physics. It’s very interesting all of this. Looking at thing from the smallest of scales. It seems crazy. Everything in the level of atoms and how atoms behave is very interesting and something that I would love to keep reading about and learning more about this. The idea of time traveling with quantum physics is crazy maybe if I keep studying physics I make it possible (just a thought). 

Another interesting thing is the relative frames. If I’m sitting right now, writing this article, relative to the ground I’m at rest, but relative to the sun I’m moving. When you are in your car and see the moon moving. Is the moon moving? Are you moving? What is happening? All of that has to do with relativity. 

Physics may not be my best skill, but anyone who says physics is boring is stupid and doesn’t know any physics. There are very interesting things in physics and you can do a lot of things by understating physics. Physics isn’t only gravity or force, it has many areas. This is something you will need in your life since it is everywhere you look. 

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