Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Bang

Zulma C. Figueroa Hernandez

As a civil engineer student I love physics because it explains in a “realistic way” all the matters of the humanity and our home, the planet Earth. One thing that has always caught my attention is the creation of our planet. How such a perfect and complex world was made? This is a controversial question that has been the reason of disputes all around the world. The theory that best explains this is known as the big bang. 

There are a lot of interesting theories in physics. The expansion of the universe is explained by the theory of relativity developed by the scientist Albert Einstein. When we think in an expansion, we visualize an explosion of a particle, that thought was approximately the same principle developed by the scientist George Lemaitre that introduce to the civilization the idea that the entire universe began in a single point. But why do they call it “Big Bang”? That name was given by the famous scientist Fred Hoyle. It explains that approximately 13.7 billion years ago our universe was compressed into the confines of a powerful atomic nucleus. That moment is said to be “the moment before creation, when moment space and time did not exist”. 

Scientist and Cosmetologist have developed numerous theories across history, all of them, trying to explain the creation of the universe and especially of our planet. The Big Bang theory has been developed for more than 150 years of study. The scientist that created this theory are Galileo and Copernicus. These cosmologists explain our universe creation, based on models, as an explosion of trillions of degrees in temperature created not only fundamental subatomic particles and energy but space and time itself. The model attempts to explain the origin and structure of the universe incorporating the talents of many individuals through the course of more than hundreds years of study, many times facing opposition. These investigations leads the humanity to conclude that approximately 43 seconds after the explosion, the four forces of nature; strong nuclear, weak nuclear, electromagnetic and gravity were combined as a single "super force" to form elementary particles known as quarks begin to bond in trios, forming photons, positrons and netrinos and were created along with their antiparticles. The density of the Universe in its first moment of life was thought to be1094g/cm3 with the majority of this being radiation. For each billion pairs of these heavy particles that were created, one was spared annihilation due to particle-antiparticle collisions. The remaining particles constitute the majority of our universe today. During this creation and annihilation of particles the universe was undergoing a rate of expansion many times the speed of light. The term known as the inflationary epoch, explains that the universe in less than one thousandth of a second doubled in size at least one hundred times, from an atomic nucleus to 1035 meters in width. That is in essence the information that our science and technology used to look 15 billion years back in time, and see the birth of our universe.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Antimatter:  Fiction to Reality?

Lugo Nieves, Yolianie

Antimatter is a term that I had listened occasionally. First time that I put attention to it, as many other people, was in the book Angels & Demons (science-fiction) of the author Dan Brown.  In a part of the book it explains the antimatter like something which is created from nothing. Knowing that the book is science fiction, how is even possible that a book with so many scientific terms makes an affirmation like that?   Then many questions without answer came to my mind.  Every person that who has had some contact with the physics knows a very important law, the law of conservation of energy.  It states that the total amount of energy remains constant. A consequence of this law is that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed.  Then what really is the antimatter?  Is real the antimatter?  How it is created? 

It is not possible to talk about the antimatter, without honoring a name, Paul Dirac.  Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was an english physicist who made fundamental contributions to many areas of physics (quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics).  Paul Dirac received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 because of the discovery of new forms and perspectives of atomic theory.  He also formulated the Dirac equation, and in this equation is the prediction of the real existence of antimatter.  It is important to know that all the matter is formed by atoms. As well, in the atoms the nucleus is formed by protons and neutrons, and electrons that were located around it. Antimatter is composed of antiparticles in the same way that matter is composed of particles. A positron is the antiparticle of the electron.  Electron has a negative charge (e-) and the positron because is the antiparticle has a positive charge (e+). An antiproton is known a “negative proton”.  Differences exist between the proton and antiproton and one of them is the electrical charge.  Also the difference consist that the protons and neutrons are in the atomic nucleus, but the antiprotons are not in the atomic nucleus.   Antiproton can form an antihydrogen atom in the same way that an electron and a proton form a hydrogen atom.  Theory tells us that when antimatter and matter are in direct contact can lead to the annihilation of both.
The antimatter can answer the questions of the Big Bang Theory. It is the most scientific theory of our universe's origin that has been made since the early 1920’s.  It's a central mystery in physics.  In recent studies (published in November 18, 2010) for the first time, scientists have trapped antimatter atoms.   The unprecedented trapping of antimatter atoms for study is a big step for science.  To trap antimatter atoms, scientists had to create antiprotons, antielectrons, and positrons.  Then atoms of antihydrogen are formed.  To make the antiprotons, the scientists took protons normally used, smashed them into metal targets, and captured the products. The positrons were captured from a radioactive sodium source.  To get the antiprotons and positrons to bond, the scientists used an oscillating electric field, balancing the antiprotons into the same energy level as the positrons.  Later the scientist will have to get that the antimatter particles still together.  The problem is at this point because the antimatter particles created are too hot and very energetic to be trapped.  The scientists used electric and magnetic fields to cold and slow down the antimatter.  Because of it, the millions of antihydrogen atoms that the scientifics created, only about 38 were cold and slow down enough to be held in a kind of "magnetic bowl”.  It is necessary the “magnetic bowl” to isolate the antimatter particles to prevent the direct contact with normal matter particles.  This realized experiment proved that antimatter atoms could be trapped, but with no emphasis of how long time were trapped.  But is really an advance to prove that antimatter is turning to real.  In future experiments the time will be a real factor of importance.  If more antihydrogen atoms can be produced and trapped for longer periods, scientists might finally be able to study them in enough detail to explain many things about the universe.  The antimatter is in real studies constantly, and more things to discover are going to come.
A detail of the trap used to combine positrons and antiprotons to create antimatter atoms.  Photograph courtesy Niels Madsen, ALPHA/Swansea/CERN
Why is the sky blue?

Alodimary Lahoz Camacho

            Since I was child I have been very curious and I question everything around me. I always wondered how it was heaven to hop on a plane. When I traveled for first time I wanted to sit close to the window to see everything near. The sky, the Earth's atmosphere, the privilege of inhabited only planet known. No matter where on Earth we are, we all share the same sky. Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue? The same question I did when I was mounted on that plane. May seem to be a simple question, but it touches actually some of the deepest aspects of astronomy and sky gazing. To answer this question and understand we must raise our head to the clouds.
            I was determined to understand why the sky is blue and I looked for information by reading and research to share with you. People said that planet Earth is blue for the color of their oceans, but in reality the atmosphere and its composition have much to do with the color and not the seas as people say. The beauty of heaven is not merely the result of moisture from the atmosphere to the composition of sunlight consists of the different colors of the rainbow. An amount of moisture, relatively small, accompanied by dust and ash is sufficient to cause the multiple manifestations of sky color. Interesting, isn't?
            To explain the blue sky, we imagine that we let a ray of sunlight through a prism of glass. The light is scattered as a result we see different colors in the refraction of light rays caused by the gases in the atmosphere. Sunlight is composed of different wavelengths with different colors: red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet.
            In heaven we can not see them there are many gas molecules and tiny particles. When sunlight hits these particles are dispersed in different directions. Now, we look that the blue and violet are much more energetic than red and yellow. Because the violet ray is that it has spread over the direction of the ray and that is precisely the explanation that we seek. Because the deviation is maximum for rays of short wavelength like violet and blue, and lowest for long-wavelength such as yellow and red, which are hardly deflected. So, blue rays, once diverted, are bumping with other airborne particles to reach us. That's why our eyes when they appear to come from all parts of the sky. The yellow rays do not appear nearly diverted and this is why the sun appears to us that color
            We have to know that in honor of the physicist Lord Rayleigh who is known for his investigations of wave phenomena. Rayleigh scattering, is the scattering of light by particles smaller than the wavelength dispersed. This occurs when light travels through transparent solids and liquids, but is seen most often in the gases. So the Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere is the main reason that the sky is blue.
            Finally, the secret of blue sky is that before reaching to us, the light rays have to pass through the atmosphere and on the road, hit the dust particles, water droplets, gases and other so during the day, the gas particles scatter blue light from the sun, making the whole sky appears blue, a beautiful blue.

The Big Bang: just a theory?

Jerliz M Velez Morales

Since I was little I have been hearing about a great theory, the Big Bang theory, but never took the time to go deeper into it. When I go outside at night, I stare at the sky and wonder how the universe was created, what could have made such a complex get beautiful thing. Religiously speaking the universe was created by a superior force, God, and that’s what they have been teaching us since little. I am a christian and therefore I believe in God, but as a student that have been studying physics, I think this theory makes a lot of sense and gives me a more believable answer to many of my questions. The Big Bang theory is an effort to explain what happened at the very beginning of our universe, during and after that moment. The origin of the Big Bang theory can be credited to Edwin Hubble, who made the observation that the universe was continuously expanding. This theory is supported by a number of important observations such as: The expansion of the universe, the abundance of the light elements H, He, Li and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. According to the theory, the universe used to be a very dense and hot place, but through the years it has come to be less hot. How is that possible? Well the Big Bang theory is a great way to understand such thing.
To many of us the observation about the universe expanding may seem a little strange even maybe impossible, but it is true. In 1929, Edwin Hubble announced that his observations of galaxies outside our own Milky Way showed that they were moving away from us with a speed that was proportional to their distance from us. In other words, the more distant the galaxy, the faster it was moving away from us. But does this makes really sense? What about the distance between the Earth and the Sun, is it expanding too? Or what about the distance between the Sun and the center of the Milky Way, is that too expanding? A respond to this is, if there are significant attractive forces between objects, they do not move away from each other as time goes by. Only on the very largest scales, like distances between isolated galaxies or clusters of galaxies, are the attractive forces so weak that the expansion of the universe is able to move objects apart. So the distance between the Sun and the Earth haven’t change over the past years neither the distance between the Sun nor the Milky Way. Something interesting about all this is that the expansion of the universe is accelerating, which is odd because mass creates gravity, gravity creates pull and the pulling must slow the expansion. Therefore scientist had come with a thing that may be the one causing this acceleration and it has been named “dark energy”, something that haven’t get been totally explain.

Another observation is that the universe was hot and now isn’t as hot as before. The theory explain that one second after the Big Bang, the temperature of the universe was 10 billion degrees and was filled with a sea of neutrons, protons, electrons, anti-electrons, photons and neutrinos. As the universe cooled, the neutrons combined with protons to make deuterium, which is an isotope of hydrogen. It also says that during the first three minutes of the universe, most of the deuterium combined to make helium. Trace amounts of lithium were also produced at this time. This makes sense because the universe is mostly hydrogen and helium, with very small amounts of heavier elements. This is in very good agreement with observations and is another major triumph for the Big Bang theory.
If the universe is still expanding because of the Big Bang and gas has become cold then the universe should be filled with radiation that is the remnant heat left over from the Big Bang. That makes pretty good sense doesn’t it? This heat is called the “cosmic microwave background radiation”, or CMB.  The way it was discovered, to me is a funny story. It was first observed in 1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, but they didn’t know at first that the signals that they were getting were the remnant heat of the Big Bang. They thought that those were cause by pigeons that were in the cone and their pigeon poo. But after removing the pigeons and their leftover’s the microwaves still kept going, they soon realize that those were the leftover radiation of the Big Bang. Today, the CMB radiation is very cold, only 2.725° above absolute zero; which means that million years ago was hotter. If we wanted to hear this radiation all we have to do is get a very old radio and retune it so that you are not on any station and voila, you are hearing the microwaves.
In conclusion, for me the Big Bang theory is the best and probably the only way to explain a beginning for our universe. Although it doesn't provide answers to all our questions, it does a better job than any alternative which has yet been proposed. As a theory it has opened my eyes to new things and now when I look at the sky I’m not only going to see stars and a big universe, I’m going to see a big remain of what was the Big Bang.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Krystel O. Navas Márquez

        What is physic? Everything around us has to do with physics. Like how the television works, how do we have electricity or how do cars work. Without physics there would be a lot of unsolved and mysterious answer on how this or that work. Physic has made very important discoveries like for example like gravity and how to fly in space. That’s why I’m going talk about different articles that I have read.
         Everyone is always asking and joking if Time Travel could be possible?  So I have found out that it is very difficult to answer that question because in fact they can’t still say NO. They started this experiment but it wasn’t looking for traveling in to time, this was an effect on Albert Einstein’s theory of “general relativity”.  This theory has 4 dimensional space-time; up/down, left/right, and front/back. For this means that it doesn’t matter where you’re standing there is always a dimensional form of your body, which you will see always. I found very interesting that in relativity one of the consequences is that movement can result in a difference in the way time passes that is known as “Time Dilatation”. They saw that consequence in the “Twin Paradox”. They saw that in Time Travel you can move into the future faster than the usual but there is still no way of coming back. I guess that this has to do also with gravity, because you’re moving in a place with it is slower but at the same time you’re going very fast.
        I found very interesting this term “Time Dilatation”. That would mean that it’s like two objects moving towards each other but experiencing different rates of time flow. This is like if we were moving at the speed of light, but at the same time it shows a slower speed. It’s like when you get on an airplane clocks click different from the clocks in the ground.  From what I read it all has to do with the elevation from the ground, the more up in the sky you are there’s less pressure and gravitation and you start to move faster but it may seem slower like normal but it cannot be seeing by human eyes, we cannot detect how fast we are really going.
       This term I really like the “Twin Paradox”, from the beginning I knew it has to do with obviously with a pair of twins and time movement cause I saw it once in discovery channel. For me this was very interesting because it shows you very clearly “Time Dilatation”. This was a pair of twins that on their 20th birthday one of them decides to go outer space. He was in space about 5 years, so he was supposed to be 25 years old, but when he came back he’s brother was 95 years old. He was moving so fast that time was very slow he thought that he only was away for 5 years but in fact he was away for 75 years. He couldn’t tell the difference because it cannot be seeing or even felt the difference. That’s why according to relativity two objects moving differently from each other will experience time differently. The closer you are from the sun, the moon or between two planets gravity it’s so big that you move rapidly so fast that everyone here on hearth thought that time is moving slow but time passes faster than when you are in space.
        In my opinion physics will always be important for the progress in our lives. Since Galileo, Newton, Einstein and much other scientist that have made new founding’s and have improved  other the world has change and it will keep changing because it works in mysterious ways that thanks to physics we can understand better. About Time Traveling honestly it scares me because going to the future and seeing what’s going to happen will make you anxious and worried because you will know what’s going to happen. I also think that it will be boring controlling you’re life. Scientist are still working and trying to improve the time machine because it keeps failing but there closer. I guess that with the discovery of “Time Dilatation” and the “Twin Paradox” there’s a possibility that it can occur Time Traveling.  It’s just a matter of time and maybe it will pass a lot of time and maybe we won’t be here to see it but no one also knows if wormholes or negative energy really exist or if they do exist how to put them together if they do exist. That’s why they say that it is possible to Travel in Time in theory and I agree.

    Invisibility Cloak

Carlos A. Rodriguez

     There are things that people have always dreamt about. Like
being able to fly, cross the ocean, go to the moon, or become
invisible. The last one is the only one we haven't being able to
accomplish yet, but according to recent developements, we are getting
    Recently, I read and article that said that invisibility cloaks
were first proposed in 2006, and since then, there have been a lot of
prototypes, but they were too expensive and were only able to work in
microscopic scale. Now a couple of groups of scientists, one of them
lead by Dr. Shuang Zhang are working in the developement of a cloak
that is capable of hiding objects of a couple of centimeters. This
transparent cloak is easier to work with and cheaper cause is made of
some reflective material called calcite crystals. I didn't know that
there were such a material capable of reflecting the light efficiently
enough to cover an object and make it invisible, and now scientist and
engineers are working to exploit this technology until they can apply
it to larger objects. The way it works is because "calcite" is capable
of bending incoming rays of light depending on the crystal
orientation, so by sticking to pieces of crystal together they can
reflect incoming and outgoing light by the amount they desire. This
cloak bends the light rays in such a way that they seem to have been
reflected by the ground beneath the object, as if the object wasnt
     It's so interesting to see how scientists keep discovering new
properties of materials and use them to achieve things that we never
thought possible. Invisibility is at the grasp of our fingers and this
technology keeps evolving using simpler materials and methods than its
predecesors which were made out of "intricately fabricated silicon
microstructures" and were too expensive to use in a larger scale. This
technology will be very useful especially for the military so that
they can develop new stealth suit and things like that. Now lets hope
these new discoveries are used in a right way and we can all benefit
from it.
The Physics Behind Baseball

 Armando E Segui Rodriguez

This Christmas I took the time to read a book that explained the physics of baseball.  It was given to me by my dad on my birthday and what a better time to read the book than now.  It is amazing how physics explains everything that happens around us, even sports.  The following facts summarize the physics behind baseball.

·      If the baseball had no seams, the ball could travel a distance 10% to 15% smaller than if it had them.

·      The distance traveled by a baseball is affected by various factors like height, temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, speed of throw, wind, and others, wind being the factor of greater influence.  A wind speed of ten miles per hour can make the difference between a fly ball caught at 370 feet from home plate if the wind were traveling in its opposite direction and a 430 feet home run if the wind was in favor of the ball.

·      A fast-ball thrown by a pitcher takes generally 0.4 seconds to reach home plate, and the batter takes 0.3 seconds from the moment he sees the ball to the moment he completes the swing.  If the batter takes more than 0.1 seconds to see the pitch and identify it, it is probable that he will fail to hit the ball.

·      Lubricating substances like saliva, sweat or oil applied to the ball before being thrown can make an average pitcher throw like a pro.

·      The material the bat is made of makes a huge difference in the distance a baseball can be hit.  For instance, aluminum bats can hit the baseball 10% farther than wood bats.

·      Baseballs hit to the outfield are in most cases in the air between 4.3 seconds and 5.1 seconds.  Outfielders take approximately two seconds to identify the direction and the distance the ball will carry, which leaves little time to catch successfully if the ball hit was not read correctly.

·      Balls hit to the center of the field have little or no spin, which makes them much harder to catch than balls hit to the right field or the left field.

·      A runner takes approximately 3.5 seconds to steal second base, which is more or less the same time it takes the ball to go from the pitcher to the catcher and from the catcher to second base.  A difference of 0.1 or o.2 seconds in favor of the runner or the defense can make the difference between a steal and an out.

·      The use of the legs and the hips in a throw gives about 50% of the velocity, the backward movement of the arm gives approximately 20% of the velocity, 20% of the velocity is also given by the movement of forearm, and the last movement of the wrist and the quick touch of the fingers adds up to approximately 10%.

These are only some of the many interesting facts I learned by reading this book.  Being a baseball player myself, it is now great to understand how every aspect of the sport works thanks to the study of physics.  Actually, sports are a great manifestation of physics. Without its study, we wouldn’t be able to understand the greatness in them.
 Physics Class

Jorge A. Calderón Hernández

In our physics class we have studied the laws of nature and we have been able to understand more the world around us. Between our class with the professor Junqiang Lu and the class text book, we have acquired knowledge and we have even discovered that sometimes we were wrong with what we thought was happening with the things we studied. Something I must admit is that, one of the main reasons that I enjoyed reading the book was because we were able in every chapter to ask ourselves a question about what we thought would have happened to the object when it was passing through some circumstances. Sometimes we were correct, but other times when we learned the material we found ou that we had a misconception of what was going on. In this assignment, our professor ask us to talk about a law that we learned during class and to try and think what would happen if that law was incorrect. The law that I decided to use was the Water Pressure law, this law shows that the pressure increases with depth. Sometimes people think that the pressure is measured by the amount of fluid it has, but that way of thinking isn’t exactly right. It doesn’t matter how much liquid you have to your right or left if you stay at the same depth you will feel the same pressure as if you were at that same depth. I think people misunderstand the law because they associate pressure with all the water that oceans and seas have. But we have to understand that for example you will feel the same pressure if you are at the bottom of a 9 inch deep pool even if is a small pool in width or the biggest pool in width. Having clarified this law, the assignment is to imagine what could happen if this law wasn’t true. So I remembered the movie called Atlantis, it was about a lost empire beneath the ocean. So I decided to believe what if... what if the pressure wasn’t any more determined by the depth of the object, it would be easier to discover the fascinating world under the ocean. A person should only worry about not running out of tank air and wouldn’t have any more difficulties. So I decided to learn a little more about pressure under water and what the divers have to go through when they decide to enter a litter deeper then the usual. So I read an article called “The Physics of diving” (web page: “”) were I learned that divers too much pressure because the tissues that a human organism has, contains a sixty-five percent of liquids that practically do not shrink. I also learned that when the divers are descending, they do not feel the increasing pressure, they only feel difficult by breathing because they are inhaling gases that are under a pressure equal to that of the surrounding water. This pressure I believe as deeper will get stronger based on the law and could in the long run kill the diver. But right now, thinking that we could eliminate the water pressure law, we could say that the diver could go as deep as he liked to, as long as he has a lot of air in the tank and could easily discover mire mysteries under the ocean that haven’t even been brought to discovery. It would be easier to discover the lost empire of Atlantis. Thank you for letting me discover more and learn more about the world we live in, it was a fun activity.
My thoughts on Black Holes

Jose David Diaz Diaz

Out there in the universe are lots of unanswered questions. It is interesting that when we look at the stars what we are doing is looking to the past. That is why perhaps for my physics makes it so fascinating to me.
One day during class in physics, specifically on the topic of gravitational force, it took me many questions which were full of ideas. I wondered how would the behavior of stars that are about to be absorbed by black holes and stars that move in an orbit around it.
For my convenience had seen a documentary and read some theories as was the behavior of particles away from black holes. These supported the mass of black holes is proportional to the speed of the bodies had in orbit. But taking into consideration two bodies are almost spherical know that the force between two bodies is emitted in all directions, on the north, the conclusions that did Albert Einstein as our sun was building a channel for orbit the planets started thinking that I could associate it with a funnel. 

          So I thought to associate these three elements: sun, a black hole and a funnel. The feature that shares the sun and the black hole is that they make a funnel to the bodies around them to keep them in orbit. What happens in the funnel? For mathematical knowledge know that the highest speed obtained in conventional funnel is when the liquid or solid is about to fall through the hole. So you do the maximum speed of the solid (sand) is practically the center of the funnel. So I associate the funnel as if the sun or a black hole or star and planets around them like a solid individual. In short, as a body nearing a black hole will be increasing its speed every second that passes. 

          So I thought of an application of this principle to maybe someday be able to travel faster. Would be perfectly acceptable to be approaching a super massive body in order to increase the speed and perhaps using a type of rotation around this objet, to escape an imminent collision and get a super speed to move more quickly around the universe. 

Antimatter...just a discovery or the biggest in history

Adrian A Figueroa Ramos

Many people think of antimatter as something impossible, not true, and also against religion. Certainly, religion has brought through time a big dispute against antimatter and many other scientific advances, which mostly has had to accept. It can be said that science is a type of anti-religion. In the world we can logically see the domination of matter, but as theory and science states, for every matter exists its complete opposite. This is why investigation has never and will not stop until stating the true and detailed definition of antimatter.
            In 1928, a British physicist named Paul Dirac revolutionized the world with the idea about that for every matter exists an antimatter of equal mass. He strictly said that if there were negative particles called electrons, there also should exist antielectrons, or positrons; these also applied to the protons, which he named antiprotons. The difference between electrons, protons and their antitype is the direction of the spin, which changes the charge, and when in contact it is said it will occur annihilation in form of liberation of energy. After this important discovery, Dirac earned the Nobel Prize of 1933.
After this discovery, in 1932, Carl Anderson confirmed Dirac’s theory in detecting the existence of positrons doing an experiment which procedure was the collision of cosmic rays. Two decades after Anderson’s invention, the physicists Emilio Segre and Owen Chamberlain, Clyde Weingand and Tom Ypsilantis managed to find the first antiproton. One year later, with the use of the same equipment, Bruce Cork, Oreste Piccione, William Wenzel and Glen Lambertson found the equivalent of neutral charged particles in atoms, called antineutrons.
            A new investigation center built in 1978 in Ginebra, CERN, became the biggest pioneer of the creation and investigation of antimatter. Scientists were able to create atoms of anti-tritium. Later in this facility occurred the first ever controlled collision between matter and antimatter, which proved a hypothesis:  the amount of released energy was enormous compared to conventional nuclear energy. In 1996 the CERN scientists announced the success of the experiment where they created nine antiatoms of hydrogen, or antihydrogen.
            Detecting antimatter in the cosmos hasn’t been easy. Actually, scientists have only observed a positron cloud detected near gammas rays who were also found by them, located near the center of the Milky Way. The origins of these rays and positrons are unknown but they think the home of their creation should be some place adjacent the center of the galaxy. The positron cloud detected could have also been formed by multiple star explosions, also in a black hole nearby the center of the Milky Way, or by the fusion of two neutron stars.
            As you can see, antimatter is something that needs much more investigation, but the proof of its existence is already done. This discovery could put to an end so many disturbances the Earth is suffering. Through work and research we hope antimatter can be used for the advantage in developing solutions for the natural changes the nature has experienced. The destiny of humanity is in danger. May the development of antimatter for the good be the solution?
The Earth in evolution
Eric Santiago Correa
The Earth is part of a great evolution.  At the beginning we where only people nothing more than a furious animal. After a lot of years, thousands and millions of it we can say that we are civilized people. But what can we say about the Solar System and the Universe, because they were always there and are part of a great evolution too. Another thing that can give us a great tip of what can happen are the meteorites because not only fall small rocks of earth sometimes are biggest rocks of a new metal that can be used for new purposes.
 The Earth has gravity and an atmosphere with many parts like the ozone that is being destroyed by the humans. The contamination of the space with trash and the natural resources like the air, rivers and the sea with toxics agents will be the principal problems that we have to change to make a better future to our successors. At the same time we are destroying this planet maybe there is another one that is in an evolution and will be habitable. The NASA confirms that is possible that organisms that are not based in Carbon, it means the component can be another element like the Arsenic. So maybe there’s live in other planet. A great discovery and finding are the space meteorites that fall in the Earth. These things tell us that there is something happening that we cannot see with our eyes and in any moment can change the live of the humans.
We don’t know exactly where we came from because we cannot look back more than 2,000 years but we don’t know either what will happen in 2,000 years more. I think in the future the people will not live only in the Earth; we will also live in other planets too. The change in the solar system, the creation of a new atmosphere in other planet that reaches gravity can be our new planet.