Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bryan R. Delgado Ruiz: God Particle

This first course of Physics is about studying diverse types of forces. Everybody on Earth uses and manage them every single day of their lives, although not everybody know them as well. These forces are: normal force, tension, weigh, friction, elastic and inelastic force. But even though this sounds very hard to understand, we can say that forces are results of four fundamental interactions. Numerous scientists had tried to fuse all this four elemental interactions in a single theory; trying to put together: the weak and strong nuclear force, gravity, and electromagnetic force. 

All of these forces have a very long range, except for the weak nuclear force. By the way, the refereeing particles are the bosons W and Z. Bosons are the smallest form that matter can actually decomposes. These minuscule particles can arrange energy and are very significant in quantum mechanics’ field. Peter Higgs and his coworkers uncovered the Higgs Mechanism in 1964. This theory is about explaining the origin of the elemental particles’ mass. This particle has no color and even has no electric charge or spin and because of these, the particle cannot interact with any photon. Nevertheless, with particles from the Model of Physics which have mass as: charge leptons, quarks and bosons W and Z that are relatively heavy, it has the possibility to interact. 

The discovery of this boson will be a very controversial explanation to the origin of the Universe; and this particle is popularly known as the God Particle. In March 14, 2013 the existence of this elemental particle was partially confirmed. At the moment, some data have to be amended because of the complexity and very high speed of proceedings, the Higg’s boson interacts in zepto seconds: 10-24 s. This makes the procedure of measuring the mass of the Higg’s boson a very difficult one. Likewise, the parameters that depend of it as: the force required for two bosons to interact between them and the half-life of the particle. With the discovery of this particle, the World as we know it and its origin will be exposed after thousands of years and it will probably set a very big intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict.

On the other hand, Higgs said, “…this does not explain everything.”, however, it will open path to new investigations about the origin of the Universe. So indeed, every fundamental force was present in the development of the Universe. Every single day of our lives can be explain in terms of all these forces which makes our Universe the one we know and the one we live.

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