Sunday, May 8, 2011

Maglev trains revolutionizing 21st transportation

Yrret Marie Maldonado

Can you imagine traveling in a train that is suspended in a cushion of air and that can reach speeds that are up to twice as fast as those of a traditional engine powered train? Well thanks to the principles of electromagnetism, such a train exists and is called the Maglev train, which names mean magnetic levitation that refers to the ability of this train to suspend over a guideway using the basic principles of magnets. The powerful and innovative use of magnets and electromagnetic physics knowledge enables the Maglev train to become a high speed train, capable of revolutionizing transportation in the 21st century.

The basic physic principle behind the Maglev train is electromagnetism which is considered the branch of physics that deals with electricity and magnetism and the interaction between them and it was first discovered in the 19th century.  Electromagnetism which is defines as the force that causes the interaction between electrically charges particles, and the areas in which such interaction occurs is called electromagnetic fields. There are two types of electromagnetic fields: electric field and magnetic fields, however, they are both manifestation of different aspect of electromagnetism and therefore are intrinsically related. In the way, that a changing electric field generates a magnetic field; conversely a changing magnetic fields generates an electric field. This effect is called electromagnetic induction. Also, Electric fields are the cause by electric potential  and electric current and magnetic fields are the cause of the force associated with magnets.  This knowledge of one of the most fundamental physical forces at work, the electromagnetic force gives way to the use of electromagnets like the ones that can be found in Maglev trains. 

The underlying principle behind the working of the electromagnet is the use of electromagnetic induction. The basic idea is to create a magnet by running electric current through a conductor medium (like a wire), creating a magnetic field. Like regular or “permanent” magnets, the electromagnet attracts things made of iron or steel and fallows the fundamental law of all magnets: Opposite attracts and likes repel. The only difference is that electromagnets are temporary; they will exist only if electric current is flowing. The most conventional way to generate high intensity electromagnets is to wind a core substance, usually a ferromagnetic material like iron, nickel or cobalt with many coils of wire. Once this is done, electric current is passed through the magnets, which induces a magnetic field in the ferromagnetic core and is the basis of operation for marvel trains and electrical generators, induction motors, and transformers. 

The concept of electromagnetism is used in high speed maglev trains. They use power full electromagnetic force to provide both magnetic levitation of the train and propulsion. The Maglev Train system consists of tree important components: a large electric power source, metal coils coating the guideway (or track) and a large guidance magnet attached to the underside of the train. The electromagnets which are fixed in the tracks magnetically levitate the train with no support other than magnetic fields and also helps move the train by magnetic force. This is done because the magnetized coil running along the guideway repels the large magnets on the train's undercarriage, allowing the train to levitate between 1 to 10 cm above the guideway. Once the train is levitated, power is supplied to the coils within the guideway walls to create a unique system of magnetic fields that pull and push the train along the guideway. The electric current supplied to the coils in the guideway walls is constantly alternating to change the polarity of the magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes the magnetic field in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train adds more forward thrust. The magnetic pressure is used to neutralize the forces and effect on gravity. 
There are two types of Maglev trains: the German engineered electrodynamics suspension (EMS) and the Japanese engineered electromagnetic suspension (EDS), however both methods are based on the same concept, but differ in the approach as to what type of magnetic elevation used. As the EDS uses the repulsive force between the magnets, in the guideway and beneath the vehicle, makes the train levitate and move. On the other hand, the (EMS) uses the attractive force of magnets, in the guideway and beneath the vehicle, makes the train move. The EMS is faster than the EDS, because EDS train must roll on rubber wheels until they reach a lift-off speed of about 100km/h which causes resistance. However having these wheels is an advantage during a power outage, it allows the train can come to a smooth and safe stop. This fact makes the EDS safer, but also more expensive.

What makes the Maglev train such and innovation and revolutionary train it’s precisely the benefits this train offers in comparison to its more traditional counterparts. Being one of the biggest advantages that the Maglev train system does not use Fossil fuels like a traditional train engine, but instead is totally based on magnetism as the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guideway walls and the track combined to propel the train. Therefore, being more environmental friendly and reducing the dependence on fossil fuel. More so, the noise pollution is reduced to a significant level and air pollution is virtually absent. Also, the fact that Maglev train is able to levitate on a cushion of air has the effect of eliminating the negative effect of frictional force, this in combination with is aerodynamic design, increases the trains speed. The train can reach unprecedented ground transportation speeds of more than 310 mph, being twice as fast as the Amtrak’s fasts commuter train. Therefore, such a revolutionary train is a faster alternative to heavy air traffic when traveling. This and many other facts of the maglev train make this new form of terrestrial transportation a revolutionize 21st century transportation.


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