Saturday, December 18, 2010

The danger of ultraviolet rays
Efraín Soto Valentín

My parents used to tell me not to take too much sun between 11:00 and 3:00 pm and I asked them why, but they don’t have the right answer to answer that question so I navigate through internet to find some answers. The solar rays are a lot of electromagnetic radiations emitted by the Sun. The sun emitted a lot of different rays like infrared rays and ultraviolet rays. These rays are divided depending on the danger they cause to the human skin. There are different types of rays but the most dangerous rays are the ultraviolet rays. In the last summer I went too many times to the beach. The first time I spent just four hours in the sun from 10:00pm to 2:00pm and I get burn. My skin was black and I can’t sleep in the night because my skin hurts and I have too much heat. I get black because I forgot to put in my skin some solar spray.  During this hours the sun emitted more ultraviolet ray than other hours, that is why you have to be careful to not to take too much sun during this hour or just put out some sun spray to protect your skin.

The ultraviolet rays have good uses in the field of science.  One of the applications is that the scientist uses the ultraviolet rays together with the infrared rays, to eliminate any kind of bacteria or virus with more effective results than the chemical products.  Another application is the use of fluorescent lamps to attract flies and other flying insects to the ultraviolet light produced by the lamp and when they get closer the lamp makes an electric current that kill the insects. These are the good applications of the ultraviolet rays, but there produce more danger than you think that it can help. The ultraviolet rays cause danger to the human skin if you spend too much time in the sun, like me. The different types of damage the ultraviolet rays produce are skin cancer, irritation, wrinkles, spots and loss of elasticity.

 My teacher from high school told me that the ultraviolet rays are mutagenic; this means that those rays can produce mutations. Also she told me that only the cumulus clouds block these ultraviolet rays, but we have to take care because some clouds act like mirror and increase the intensity of the ultraviolet rays and cause more danger. So the ultraviolet rays are good for different experiments and applications but there are bad for the human skin. We have to protect our skin form this radiation even if the day is cloudy we have to protect the skin. So my advice to all these people that like to go to the beach during summer and spent a lot of time in the sun, that bring in the backpack some sun block and put it in the skin every hour to protect your skin and to prevent some danger in the future. 

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