Monday, May 11, 2009

The Physics

Juan A. Ortiz Horrach

The physics is a natural, theoretical and experimental science that studies the properties of the space, time, the matter and energy, like its interactions. The physical word comes from the Greek word physique whose meaning is nature.
Like all science, it looks for that their conclusions can be verifiable by means of experiments and that the theory can realize predictions of future experiments. The Physics is made up of different fields such as: Acoustics. It studies the properties of the sound. Atomic physics, it studies the structure and the properties of the atom. Cryogenics, it studies the behavior of the matter to extremely low temperatures. Electromagnetism. It studies the electric fields and magnetic, and the electrical charges generate that them. Particle physics. It is dedicated to the investigation of elementary particles. Dynamics of fluids. It examines the behavior of the liquids and gases in movement. Geophysical. Application from the physics to the Earth study. It includes the fields of the hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, the seismologic and volcanologist. Mathematical physics. It studies the mathematics in relation to the natural phenomena. Mechanics. It studies the movement of the material objects submissive the combat operation. Molecular physics. It studies the properties and molecular structure. Nuclear physics. It analyzes the properties and it structures of the atomic nucleus, the nuclear reactions and their application. Optics. It studies the propagation and the behavior of the light. Plasma physics. It studies the behavior of gases highly ionized (with electrical charge). Quantum physics. It studies the behavior of extremely small systems and the Franck-Hertz experiment. Physics of the condensate matter. It studies the physical properties of solids and the liquids. Statistical mechanics. It applies statistical principles to predict and to describe the behavior of systems composed of multiple particles. Thermodynamics. It studies the heat and the conversion of the energy from a form to another one. The Physics has undergone a great development thanks to the effort of scientific notables and investigating, who when inventing and perfecting instruments, apparatuses and equipment have obtained that the man worsens his senses when detecting, observing and to analyze phenomena
Many of the scientists that are outstanding in the physics are it: Galileo Galilei, was born the 15 from February of 1564 in Pisa, Italy. Galileo initiated " scientific method experimental" , and it was first in using a telescope that refracted to make astronomical discoveries important, Albert Einstein, the physicist German-American Albert Einstein, born in Ulm, Germany, March 14, 1879, died in Princeton, N.J., April 18, 1955, contributed more than any other scientist to the vision of the physical reality of century 20. In the beginning of World War I, the theories of Einstein --mainly its theory of relativity-- it seemed to him to many people, pointed at a pure quality of thought the human being. Rarely a scientist receives such attention of the public but he received it to Einstein by to have cultivated the fruit of pure learning, Isaac Newton, I stand out in the binomial of Newton and the elements of the differential calculus that called fluxions. Shortly after it said that " it had found the inverse method of fluxiones" , that is to say, integral calculus and e method to calculate the surfaces locked up in curves like hyperbole, and the volumes and of solids. Years later, when their findings were published, there was certain doubt about if the German mathematician Leibnitz he were considered the creator of the differential calculus. Both, apparently independent and almost simultaneously, made this remarkable discovery. 
Its second great discovery was related to the Theory of the Gravitation. 
The third concerted effort, corresponded to the sphere of the optics and the refraction of the light, Aristotle Was creative of the formal, precursory logic of the anatomy and Biology and a creator of the taxonomy (the father of zoology is considered). The Physics start  contributing to knowledge of forces, movements and soon start to study the magnetic field, the statics, the electricity and of in future start to contribute to studies to engineering , all these there has been very valuable contributions for the world and thanks to these studies it is that the world has evolved. The Physics is one of natural sciences that have more contributed to the development and well-being of the man, because thanks to his study and investigation it has been possible to find in many cases, a clear and useful explanation to the phenomena that appear in our daily life. 

The physics has been of great importance for me in my studies engineering, since I have been able to understand and comp to render many of the great discoveries of the world and as each of them has benefitted to our newspaper to live.

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