Sunday, May 12, 2013

Black holes

Angel Andino

Black holes are the most mysterious objects in our universe because their gravity is absolute. They bring physicist a challenge because they break all the rules of physics but at the same time they rule the universe. The black holes are at center stage of the universe and they dominate the evolution of the universe itself. At one point the black holes were consider science fiction but now they are consider science fact because even thou we have not landed in one yet scientist have gather enough evidence to confirm they are real. A black hole basically is the end point of everything including stars, matter, energy and even gravity itself. I believe they could be the key to understanding the birth of the universe its formation and also its death. The power of the black holes comes from one of the primary forces in nature, gravity. One basic way to look at gravity is thinking that gravity pulls. Gravity keeps our feet on the ground and our planets orbiting around the sun, but in a black hole gravity is off the charts and it is so strong that it sucks in everything near by, It can even bend the light of near stars and even gets to a point that they absorb the light and does not reflect anything back, that is why they are black. Black holes are incredibly heavy, to get an idea of how heavy a dark hole is imagine the earth and compact it “crush it" to the point that even the atoms collapse and wen the earth is only the size of a golf ball but have the same weight it originally had; That is about the same amount of the density a black hole has. The way black holes form is by gravity itself, there is only one place in the universe that has that much gravity and that place is inside the largest of stars. Wen massive stars 10 times heavier than our sun die, gravity crushes them creating a huge explosion that is called a super nova but some stars are even bigger, these super stars are 100 time bigger than our sun and has 100 times more gravity and wen one of these stars dies it sets of the biggest explosion in the universe called a hyper nova and this is the birth of a black hole. Our universe are full of stars, ones die quietly and other in a big explosion. The biggest of stars give birth of a black hole. For example the dying star VY Canis Majoris that is more than a billion miles across and like all stars it is a natural nuclear fusion reactor pumping energy outward at the same time the star gravity pushes inward. For a few million years fusion and gravity are locked in stand of but wen the star run out of fuel fusion stops and gravity wins, wen this happens in a millisecond the core shrinks to a fraction of its original size and a black hole is born. The new black hole in the middle keeps feeding on the body of the star and eventual explodes liberating more energy than our sun is going to produce in all its lifetime. What is left is a new black hole with two jets of energy traveling the universe at the speed of light, these jets are called Gama ray burst that in terms of energy and power they are second to only the big bang itself. Most of the Gama rays only last in second but they incinerate everything in its path. The Gama rays tell us the birth of a black hole. Scientist counts these to tell how many black holes are being created. In 2004 NASA launch the swift probe to count Gama ray burst around our galaxy and what they discovered was that they counted at least one Gama ray burst a day, these findings shocked the science community because at one time scientist taught that black holes could never been found, but now they believe that they could be millions of black holes across the universe. Scientist is now considering a mission to a black hole even if it is a long way off. They are baffled because inside these colossus the law of physics does not apply. Inside of a black hole gravity becomes infinite and time stands still. This concept is very difficult to comprehend. Scientist really does not know what is or what happens inside a black hole but one thing is for sure the laws of physics do not apply there, as we know it. There must be bigger laws that ere being obey by these black holes that we do not understand yet but one day I believe we will. Some people believe that in the other side of a black hole it can be a big bang because as a dark hole collapses and matter fell into it. Perhaps the matter is blown out the other side. If a big bang is just the flip side of a black hole this could be how our own universe was born, I taught of this because if you think about a black hole and you put in the parameters of the universe the mass of the universe the size of the universe you find that our universe match the conditions of a black hole, in other words we could be inside a black hole. If we think about it every dark hole could be the origin of an entirely separated universe and if that some day could be demonstrated there could be millions of separated universes out there each one full of live, stars and other planets. Whatever we figure out later we know that black holes are everywhere. Until we get the technology we can only ex-peculate and gazed at the majesty of the black holes, the masters of the universe.

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